E3 2018 - Top upcoming PC games 2018-2019 (+TRAILERS!)
Here's a selection of what MIGHT be the TOP 10 most interesting games coming to PC!
"Anthem is set on a world left unfinished by the gods, humanity struggles to survive in a savage environment. Equipped with incredible Javelin exosuits, a faction known as the Freelancers seeks to tip the balance in mankind’s favor."
There's a new term for such storyline: EPIC-GENERIC. Yeah, we just made it up.
It looks great, but also feels like something we've seen a thousand times already.
Except, this time, the execution is incredible.
Still, all the trailer shows us is some guys fighting huge monsters... Okay. Fascinating.
How does the saying go again?
"Better fighting for something than living for nothing."
George S.Patton
Well, here, what are we fighting for, exactly?
Not much, huh? We're just surviving then? Sounds a bit primitive, for people who are so advanced that they can actually build heavily-armed flying mech suits.
Did it never occur to you? In most games/movies, the more advanced a "civilization" seems to be, the more it's prone to just fight senselessly. Yaaaaawn.
*totally inappropriate rant starts*
Give us some reason to fight, developers!
Or did you become so politically correct that you don't even dare to make up real evil characters, with messed up values/political ideas anymore?
It's much more convenient to beat up primitive monsters, huh?
And that goes for every game out there, really.
*end of inappropriate rant*
For those interested, the trailer uses a cringy(you're going to see this word a LOT in this article...) remixed version of "Muse - Uprising".
Scheduled for early 2019.
Ahhh the Assassin's creed series!
You know the drill: Copy/paste of the previous game, with different graphics!
Just one year after "Origins", Ubisoft comes back with "Odyssey"(it would be too difficult for people to remember two words, so one will do), taking place in antique Greece this time.
Overall, it does look like an epic game with even more epic graphics, but so far, nothing screams "Assassin's Creed". No hidden blade, no eagle vision, no leap of faith, etc...
Blame the trailer for this: although it's a STEALTH game, it's being sold as a pure action game!
Let's just hope this trend will eventually stop, it's just stupid and misleading. (we all remember the catastrophic Elex trailer, using the most inappropriate we've ever heard in a RPG.. Oh god...)
A final note: As you know, the "Animus" was back again in Origins, but way more "minimal" than in the previous games, THANKS GOD. (we HATE the Animus.)
So far, we haven't seen AT ALL the Animus in Odyssey.
Could it be that they FINALLY removed this abomination? Wait and see!
A few facts about Odyssey:
- This is the most ancient AC game. So, forget about using your electrical razor there.
- This AC will be way more RPG than all of the previous games.(meaning: multiple dialogue choices)
- The game world is enormous and geographically diverse.
- You can play as a man or a woman. You can't play as an uncolored transgender platypus though. I'm suing this game for sexism.
- Stealth is improved and you don't always have to kill
- Your main weapon is a spear, not a hidden blade. Like Ariel's father, yay.
- You can control a bird to survey landscapes.
- There'll be epic land battles, featuring as many as 300 fighters.
- YOU CAN FLIRT. Finally a welcoming change! Oh, and more importantly, can I flirt with SEVERAL characters, including cows? Thank you.
Release date: 5 October, 2018.
"Beyond Good and Evil 2 is an action-adventure game set in an open world environment and played from a third-person perspective which takes place a few generations prior to the events of Beyond Good & Evil.
It has more traditional role-playing elements compared to the first game; the player will generate a character that starts the game "at the very bottom of the social system".
The character can be male or female. As the player completes various tasks, they will improve in various attributes, and gain spacecraft and crew members which they can also improve over time. The player will visit planets that have their own societies, and by completing tasks on these planets, will gain new technologies or other facets to improve their spacecraft.
Its director, Michel Ancel, said that they do anticipate that there will be a narrative element that includes fixed story events as well as events based on what decisions the player had made in exploring planets.
The game will have single-player and cooperative player support; even as a single-player, the player can participate in a shared universe, with some events affecting all players at the same time "
Too bad it's "only" a cinematic trailer, but the graphics sure look great.
The long-awaited sequel to Beyond Good and Evil(VERY esoteric and bizarre action game from 2003) is finally showing its face but we still don't know much about it.
We're very glad that Jade(Asian girl at the end of the video! Those who played the first game will recognize her) got rid of her disgusting green lipstick, at least!
Scheduled to be released around Fall 2018.
"Cyberpunk 2077 is a narrative-driven, open world RPG set in the most vibrant and dangerous metropolis of the future — Night City. You play as V, a hired gun on the rise, who just got their first serious contract. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend."
Alright, we definitely don't join the hype train.
If anything, this actually looks quite worrying to say the least, as the game looks and feels nothing like a RPG.
And it's not related to the fact that the trailer is so loud and annoying that we had to mute it to enjoy the graphics.
Blade Runner and Deus Ex games proved us that it's very pleasant to listen to relaxing synths in the future, but Cyberpunk 2077 devs seem to disagree and wand to make your ears bleed, apparently.
Maybe we were wrong in expecting The Witcher 3 in a cyberpunk setting?
It's more like GTA in a cyberpunk setting, actually. *
Edit: we're VERY glad to not be the only ones to think this way, apparently.
Anyway, so far, all we know is that we know NOTHING.
Let's just hope the final product isn't represented at all by this half-baked trailer.
We might change our mind once we see a proper gameplay video, but we're still very far from that, as the game could be released as far as 2021.
What is it exactly?
- A walking simulator about a pregnant guy?
- Hardcore delivery game taking place after a zombie apocalypse?
- Eating bugs ASMR game? (On a side note, that bug the girl is eating at the end of the video strangely makes us think of a fetus. Yay, more Kojima fucked up imagery.)
Fun fact about "Death Stranding":
The more videos we see about it, the more confusing it gets.
One thing's sure, it's actually worrying because it's starting to look a bit cringy...
(what did we tell you? The whole E3 event was like this anyway...)
This is the usual ultra-arrogant in-your-face Kojima artistic/creative cringe we're talking about. Nonsensical even for people who are experts in symbolism.
But this time, it's taking it on a whole 'nother level.
Also, so far, it looks like it would be better as a movie than a game...
Kojima(the Night Shyamalan of video games) said it himself many times: his main inspiration is MOVIES.
No offense, but in that case, we think he's working in the WRONG field.
Although Phantom Pain was fantastic, maybe he should question himself and reconvert.
You just don't write a movie script for a GAME.
And for those who pretend that this game has biblical symbols, be our guest and explain in the comments.🤔
Release date: sometime in the next 2 years. Maybe.
Well, you've got to admit that the title "Doom Eternal" does remind us of Duke Nukem Forever, huh?
But we think it'll be more like "Doom 2 - Hell on Earth 2"!😁
While Doom is usually known for its borderline claustrophobic narrow corridors, it's possible that this time, the earth setting will allow a more "open" gameplay style.
Meaning: we're gonna get bigger demons, won't we? Oh joy.
Don't worry, the developers also said that this time, we'll be "much more powerful"...
Well, we were already playing the ultimate badass in the previous game, so we wonder how they're going to achieve that.
If everything's fine, it'll play like the previous game, just a fast-paced ultra-gore FPS where you beat and shoot demons to a pulp while grinning like an idiot.😁
The old formula still works wonders since 1993.
Release date: 28 December, 2018.
"See how your choices will decide the fate of a decaying City in the Gameplay World Premiere footage of Dying Light 2."
The game seems to offer quite a lot of dialogue choices, which have very heavy effects on the way the "organic" plot is reacting, and weaving in multiple directions, totally affecting the world around you.
In a way, it seems that Dying Light 2 is going to feel a bit more like a RPG this time.(of course, it's still a parkour/survival game at its core, though!)
In turn, your actions will affect the world around you, from the threat level of its populace to the scarcity of its resources. "
The developers didn't mention the setting at all, and it's actually very difficult from the video to tell what country the story could take place in.
Apparently, it could still be Harran, the Turkish city from the first game.
(why would signs be written in English, though?)
This would be a big mistake though, as the majority of players usually want to travel to other destinations, in sequels... No?🤔 Anyway, no confirmation about this yet!
Release date: NO IDEA.
Fallout 76 seems to be to Fallout 4 what Fallout New Vegas was to Fallout 3.
Based on the same engine with similar graphics, Fallout 76 will be a spin-off(NOT Fallout 5!) but unfortunately, that's where the comparison stops, though.
While New Vegas was maybe the best RPG of the series(at least the 3D ones), Fallout 76 takes a completely different path.
What we've heard isn't reassuring at all.
Here's what we know so far:
- Fallout 76 seems to take place before all of the other Fallout games.
- The game is designed to be play with friends, but it WILL be possible to play alone
- No NPCs
- Apparently, it seems to be a pure chaotic action game with not many RPG elements...
"the game’s locale will be dotted with nuclear sites that players can raid for launch codes. Codes in hand, players will be able to attack others with nuclear missiles if they want to, meaning that you and your creations can be a target."
- NO mods support? (Edit: apparently, it MIGHT eventually come later... Let's hope!)
Mainly, people are worried that the whole experience will be ruined by experienced players who will wipe the floor with newbies.
"A stripped-down version of Fallout where assholes reign supreme."
Most Fallout players usually prefer a more "relaxed" introspective experience...
Well, good luck with that, as other players will be able to DESTROY your base.
Fallout 76's release date was confirmed as November 14, 2018.
"Just Cause 4 is the most ambitious Just Cause game to date. Everything you loved returns, alongside some massive game-changing features, including extreme weather, enhanced physics and other core gameplay improvements.
It's time to bring the thunder. Just Cause 4 by Avalanche Studios and Square Enix is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC December 4th 2018."
Aaaaand more cringy music! This is one of the worst, really. I had to insert my socks into my ears real deep to stop the bleeding.
Taking place in a beautiful fictional South American country called "Solis"(?)(it could be Central America though, like El Salvador), the game graphics don't seem to have improved that much. It seems more or less the same, just set in a different place.
There's a few changes:
- Physics-based rendering
- Actual wind
- Mods for your grappling hook
- Better vehicles physics
- MAYBE we can blow buildings up?
We still have no real clues about what's going on, except that the bad guys are called the "Black Hand" organization, ruled by a witch named Gabriella.
The most impressive part of the video is the weather.
Apparently, it'll play a big role in the game and is its own living entity.
You'll get to experience sandstorms, lightning storms, and of course, that famous huge and deadly tornado which shows up on most screenshots and videos we've seen so far.
It's made in a very realistic way, using very impressive large-scale physics, so, ANYTHING can get sucked up in the tornado! Whether it's some random trees, cars, all of the crazies at the democrat convention, anything, really!
Interestingly, the Black Hand is trying to keep the tornado from getting to the capital city, and for some reason, Rico wants that to happen, so it'll be your job to destroy several "wind cannons" that were keeping the twister at bay. Interesting.
Let's bet the ending of this game will be... twisting.😁
Release date: 4 December 2018.
Also presented last year, Metro Exodus will be the third game of the series, still taking place in Russia!
This time, you'll will leave the boring metro corridors for the great steppes of Siberia.
Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.
Flee the shattered ruins of dead Moscow and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in the greatest Metro adventure yet.
Explore the Russian wilderness in vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line inspired by the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter.
The game already looks extremely impressive, featuring photo-realistic lighting, and the shooting still seem to be as satisfying as before.
Let's hope that the developers will be able to exploit this more open setting to allow a less linear gameplay, which was one of the main problems of the previous games.
And, on a side note, FINALLY a great trailer which is not cringy with some retarded loud childish music!
Release date: sometime in 22 February, 2019.
"From the creators of the multi-award winning "Ori and the Blind Forest" comes the highly anticipated sequel: "Ori and the Will of the Wisps.”
Embark on an adventure with all new combat and customization options while exploring a vast, exotic world encountering larger than life enemies and challenging puzzles.
Seek help from discoverable allies on your path to unravel Ori's true destiny."
This is one of the games that we'll buy blindly without hesitating.
Ori and the blind forest is easily one of the Top 5(okay, Top 10?) Metroidvania games ever made, so, as you can imagine, we expect a LOT from this one.
Although we would be content even if it was just the same formula perfect with different environments.
Speaking of which, they seem to look even more gorgeous than in the first game, and we didn't think it was possible.
Every place can be used to make the most gorgeous wallpaper ever.
Release date: frustratingly vague 2019.
Alright, to be fair, this Rage 2 gameplay video is still 8000% better than the trailer they released a few weeks ago, which might have been the cringiest trailer ever made in history.
So let's give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we?
Apparently, Rage 2 won't be revolutionary, and will bring back the nervous FPS gameplay set in a post-apocalyptic open-world setting.
Since the first Rage, "Mad Max: Fury Road" happened, and the game seems to be a bit inspired by it. (more than the first Mad Max movies from the 80s)
Except with more flashy colors. Because it's cool. It attract kids. Therefore money.
Edit: much more than Mad Max: Fury Road, it actually looks like a childish gun-only version of Hokuto No Ken.
Graphics seem to have been improved drastically, vehicles physics are more realistic, and as for the gameplay... It seems too fast-paced, isn't it? Again, to attract the youngest players, we assume? Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Release date: sometime in 2019.
There's not much to say about the trailer, and yet, we know that's the game people will talk the most about. The number of views on this trailer doesn't lie.😁
(Like one of the comments says: "Bethesda, look at the views on this 36 second teaser compared to ALL the other videos from BE3 2018. That should tell you all you need to know ;)")
There's only ONE thing we'd like to know: WHERE does it take place?
For some time, players thought we would go back to "Cyrodiil"(Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion), but now it looks more like "High Rock"(home of the Bretons), isn't it?
But... Who created this website named https://www.theelderscrollsvihammerfell.com/?😅
Anyway, lots of people seem to think it'll take place between Hammerfell or High Rock!
Here, have fun with some maps and try to figure out where the new game takes place!
![]() |
You've got to admit, it could be Hammerfell! |
Release date: we'd rather not say, it would hurt your feelings.😭(But we take a bet on 22.02.2022)
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