Jazz Jackrabbit 2 turns TWENTY today!

  Jazz Jackrabbit 2, crazy platformer of the 90s, featuring a heavily armed green rabbit,   turns 20 years old this week!
GOG and Epic are celebrating along with Jazz2Online(the official long-lasting fan club), lowering the prices of these two great platformers!

  For this special occasion, you can get both Jazz Jackrabbit and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 at 25% off the usual price tag (from 08/05/2018 to 14/05/2018, €12 instead of €16!)

But let's get back to "Jazz2Online" for a minute.
  I actually didn't even know that thing existed until I just read about it on GOG!
Now I knew that Jazz Jackrabbit  2 had a level editor, and that we could create not only single-player, but also multiplayer levels, which was quite ahead of its time, when you think about it.
Now, the multiplayer server has been taken down since a long time now, but with this patch, you can connect to a "list server" hosted by some dedicated fans!

 "It is also strongly recommended to use the 1.23 patch", which is ALREADY included in the GOG version!😋 (actually, GOG has the 1.24 version now!)

Description of this incredible patch: 
  "jazz Jackrabbit 2 Plus (JJ2+) adds countless features and bug fixes to both Single Player and Multiplayer gameplay within JJ2, and is used almost universally by most serious players. 
  It has much better network code than the original game, adding console commands to online games, fixing most major game-crashing errors and connection problems, allowing permitted clients to log in as "remote administrators" in someone else's server and control the gameplay, and adding several new multiplayer gamemodes. 
  It additionally fixes or enhances many of the events in the game, and allows level designers far more power than in regular JJ2 through the addition of an easy-to-use scripting language. 
  JJ2+ takes everything great about JJ2 and adds so much more on top of it; it is truly a must-download. "

Artwork for "Jazz Jackrabbit 2+" unofficial patch

  Now, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is STILL being further patched and improved(by fans) nowadays, so we even have access to a fully-featured script editor as well as countless custom tilesets!

 Jazz2Online has created a special page for the 20th anniversary, entitled the "Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Birthday Hullabaloo", highlighting 500 of the best community-created stages for the game!
(good lord... Look at the number of levels which have been created since decades...😲) 
The "Altitude Terrace" level!

  And finally, they also organize a little "giveaway" event, giving you the chance to win a physical jewel-case copy of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, autographed by Arjan Brussee, one of the game’s original creators.

- Head over to GOG.com for the deals!

- Check out this thread on Jazz2Online to get details about the giveaway!d
 you’ll just have to reply with your favorite memory of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, or create something related to the games to qualify.

The music has been composed by Alexander Brandon, maybe the music composer I respect the most in the history of video games, along with Paul Romero(and all other composers who worked on the Heroes of Might and Magic games. You can get Heroes III here, if you're interested). 

No need to tell you, I have the entire collection(Original Sound Version!!), even Jazz Jackrabbit 3(masterpiece track!), which was very sadly cancelled. (then again, it was in 3D, so maybe it's for the better? Ouch! Stop throwing rocks at me! lol)

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